Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2008 Retrospective: 2008 Music.Part One

Carli just took credit for one of my favorite 08 hip hop finds. I guess I should get some of my picks for 2008 online before she takes credit for all my internet digging.

The songs that almost made my top ten:

Lykke Li - Dance, Dance, Dance (this version in particular)

Coldplay - Lovers in Japan and Strawberry Swing

White Denim - Heart From All of Us (although these two are also amazing)

Q-Tip - Gettin Up (closest thing we'll get to new ATCQ)

Invincible - Shapeshifters (female MC out of Detroit)

The Dodos - Fools

Ghosthustler - Busy, Busy, Busy

Frightened Rabbit - The Modern Leper

Library Voices - Step Off The Map and Float

Britney - Womanizer

T.I. - Live Your Life

Deerhunter - Nothing Ever Happened
