Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Bridge Over River Vagina

3:59- It looks like the end, its down to the final 8. This has been an amazing evening full of beautiful moments and blossoming friendships. I am proud to have been a part of the "Party Blog" and excited about the future possibilities this has opened up for us. I'd like to thank everyone who was a part of this (alphabetically): Carli (so gorgeous), Hannah the Quasi African, Jamie "The Legend" Thomas, Jordan Glengarry Synopsis Sodomsky, Kevin "Munich" Minuk and the Triple M: Mysterious Max, Mighty Pretty Merrill Moskal and Million Dollar Myles. Of course the regular contributers,Kev,Steve and myself are thanked as well and extremely honoured to have worked with such creative individuals. This was a real success!

Good Morrow Cuz and Good Night


1 comment:

Chris said...

hype bin!